working culture in japan vs singapore

My colleagues and I take our paid leave as and when we want, and if we are really sick, we would not be stubborn and drag ourselves to work because we do not want to affect others. Traditionally, seniority is more valued than merit in Japanese workplaces. I would be forced to face many differences and setbacks. Role: Started out from a Sales and Marketing executive position, currently working as Educational Consultant and Business Development Manager. Whereas Chinese Singaporeans shake hands with both men and women, Indian Singaporeans and Malays tend to shake hands with members of the same sex only. Despite our different nationalities, we stuck with one another mostly because we shared the same values, and had similar educational backgrounds. Unspoken rules guide group harmony in Japanese business, and those who fail to understand them are often labeled KY. But its time for a change. Here's whyand why the future is finally looking bright. Since then, it has contributed and become a massive part of the Japanese culture, emerging as one of the most read comics, not only . A studio apartment in SF is US$2.5k a month. Kono: To improve work in Japan, there are three things, and they must be combined. They really helped give me some perspective. The working culture in Singapore organisations prioritises the group over the individual. If you are looking to travel, do business, or even live in Japan, you will expect cultural differences that you will have to learn to adapt. So, always remain open to the idea of meeting new people and learning new things! It was the best way to work in Japan and have a global career. These arent just problems for outsiders. Insights: So the problem you had at Dentsu wasnt unique to that company, but a reflection of something bigger? Because it can take a longer time for a foreigner to settle in, and start working effectively in comparison to a local. Kids will also enjoy experiencing the city's fascinating culture. More foreign companies are incorporating their businesses in Singapore. Heres what ive learnt below! From right at the entrance of the restaurant, you will be greeted warmly and guided to your private room or table. But right away, the company started giving me assignments that I hated. Were already seeing it happen. Listen to Japanese brain scientist Ken Mogi explain why and how. This has created a unique environment where urban designs meet nature and allow for a healthier and less polluted megalopolis to function. That is the difference of close to $1,000 a month, and reflects the disparity in salaries between the two countries. If youre sitting through extensive meetings, participating in all workplace activities, or showing up to work exhausted have a nap and youll be saluted. For those who have worked within a Japanese company before, whats a fact that you experienced first-hand? Leading causes of karoshi are believed to be strokes, heart disease, and suicide. Japanese working culture is notorious for rigidity, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. RECOMMENDED: Catch our article about Japanese etiquettes you must know here! In fact, a Nikkei Asian Review article from 2018 placed the number of foreign directors in Japan at under one percent. hierarchy. Whenever someone else enters, we will greet back with the same phrase! Dress code This is partly why many employees stick to one company for their entire lives. However, within the Japanese workplace, most, if not all, decisions must come from an employees senior manager. (Please dont think that google translation would work for everything, you will realise it only helps 60% haha). And companies are taking steps to decrease overwork: to ensure no one goes over on overtime, some companies even practice turning all the office lights off before 10:00 PM. As Japanese companies stream into Singapore, elements of their distinctive business culture and HR systems remain in one form or another, even in the Southeast Asian republic's multicultural setting. Huat AH!Subscribe TEKKA CENTRE Food Adventure!AMAZING Lamb Biriyani and Prata! Thus, you should show up early enough to make that possible. Toru Hanai/Reuters The culture in a Japanese work environment differs greatly from that of an American workplace. Even the most strict zone can allow for home-based businesses and small local shops. Then he dedicated his career as a human resources professional to influencing the Japanese labor market (and Japanese working culture in general) for the better. Check out this seminar to hear how these values help earn trust from overseas head offices and develop employees. About Contact Follow Contribute. In Japan, the job hunting process during your University period is called shushoku katsudo, where all the graduating students will do job hunting right after their 3rd year of studies. Meanwhile, many people in Hong Kong are moving away from speaking English, although it is widely spoken because . Face-to-Face Business Meetings Etiquettes. Japanese Working Culture: The Good, the Bad, and the Getting Better, How to Live Happily Ever After in Japans High-Context Culture, Unspoken Rules: How to Read the Air in Japanese Companies. . I was one of 400,000 employees, and I knew that even the president of IBM Japan was just a general manager with little influence. Second, break down Japanese employment practices, such as lifetime employment and seniority systems. With these eclectic responsibilities (and a GLOBIS MBA behind him), hes turned his early career frustrations into a change-making mission. I left Dentsu in 1997. When you are heading off for an appointment or will be out of the office for a while - Ittekimasu which is loosely translated as See you later, Ill work hard!, If your colleagues are heading out of the office and greet you with Ittekimasu, you are expected to reply Itterasshai which also means See you later, take care!, If you are knocking off from work, you may say Osaki ni Shitsureishimasu which means Excuse me for leaving before you. Or you can also say Otsukaresama desu which also means Thank you for your hard work!. Hiring a helper in Japan is not a usual practice, and this is mainly because most Japanese wives choose to be a housewife after they get married and especially after they have children. Well, as I turned 40, I still had plenty of doubts! According to Oliver Leeb, Founder of 3am Ideas - a digital marketing agency . Kono: Not an example, but many examples! Singapore has a slight edge, with 596 crime cases per 100,000 people, compared to Hong Kong's 936. Take Japan as example, the workplaces are very formal. Work until 65 years old. In Singapore, it is more clinical. Having a job is a sign of success: employment is a vector of social status. Japanese labor laws dictate that employed persons should work for a maximum of 8 hours a day, or 40 hours a week. Westerns are more casual in the office. Privacy policy. Toru Hanai/Reuters. Hygiene is the Key and Service is Top-Notch. The famous Merlion overlooks Singapore's iconic Marina Bay Sands. Insights: Tell us about what happened in your early career. 7. However, on the other hand, working in a Japanese company, my boss is less straightforward. If you like what you read, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram to get the latest updates. Based on the above, you can tell that the Japanese people tend to have extreme devotion to their workplace, contributing to their team, and pleasing their managers. Then I heard a speech by Yoshito Hori, the founder and president of GLOBIS University. 10. Inemuri roughly translates to I am present whilst sleeping. This is where you can find FREE Instagrammable rooms. These days, there are many advocates for a more sustainable, flexible, and generally more balanced workplace culture in Japan. Here we can also see the second key principle of the Confucian teaching: The family is the prototype of all social organizations. The noticeable decrease in the working hours is a big step! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Understanding Japans high-context culture requires understanding of cross-cultural communication in both formal and social settings. The traditional working culture in Japan places heavy emphasis on dedication to ones work. Japanese people seeking rewarding careers are feeling the frustration, too. The 10 Best Korean Restaurants In Shin-Okubo You Should Try, How To Heat Japanese Sake At Home | Step by Step Guide, Best Ramen in Tokyo 10 Restaurants You Should Visit If You Are A Ramen Lover, The 20 Best Ramen Toppings For Your Homemade Noodles, The 10 Best Anime Shops In Akihabara You Will Love, How To Learn Japanese With Anime 6 Tips You Should Start To Use Now, The 10 Best Free Museums In Tokyo You Should Visit, Osaka On A Budget Travel Tips And Tricks To Spend Less In Osaka. With that being said, the work culture in Singapore has become highly diverse as these foreign companies roll in. Do not chuck them into your wallet, pockets, or bags immediately after you receive them because it will be deemed as disrespectful or that the person is of no importance to you! Show Up Early. 88.3 years. Working culture in Japan and Singapore is quite different. After entering the office in the morning, you will have to say Ohaiyo Gozaimaz loudly, which translates to good morning. The first hour after they reach work, that too an hour late, is spent socialising and talking about what has changed in the past 15 hours since they saw each other. They would also be the first to vouch for the necessity of rules and sticking close to them as after all, the structure is there for a reason. Sometimes in life, unfortunate things happen to lead to better things - and ta-Dah - here I am in my current job, and almost 2 years in! If you offered your hands to shake during a Japanese business meeting, some might find it rude or extremely awkward! The culture of Singapore is a melange of Malay, South Asian, Southeast Asian and Eurasian culture and influences. Image viaChina Internet Information Center. The mentality that you will still get paid despite simply blending in with your colleagues means that most people wont feel the need to try and exceed in their role. This experience as helped in building customer relationships in Korea, Japan,Taiwan, Singapore, and China. Eitaro Kono is one such individual. Have something else to share? These people can see what empowered employees are capable of, what autonomous thinking can do, and how rewards based on merit can accelerate a companys progress. I think etiquettes is one major factor in the Japanese Working Culture. In Japan, there are 7.0 babies per 1,000 people as of 2022. Now we just need more people behind the movement to help it happen faster. I expected to stay there forever. +1 Bonus - Japanese people nap at work, and its acceptable! Here, we round up 8 cultural differences that can perhaps reduce the culture shock you may face if you werent aware. While I can't say this is true for all Japanese companies, at many traditional Japanese firms, I observed the culture is such that it is better to be seen working (staying behind and working long hours), rather than actually getting work done but leaving on time. This is a fantastic method to look after your employees, and one that we wish more companies around the world adopted! I would much rather live in a place where people arent that concerned with how others perceive them. Have you ever felt like a boomer in your 20s? This is partly a reflection of traditional Japanese culture and its many unspoken rules. Well, in this post we look at Japan's working hours. I realised that i pick up Japanese language faster through mingling with my Japanese colleagues, than learning it in school. And after considering what I already knew about Japanese culture by then, I figured thatperhaps Im not cut out to work in the Japanese corporate world after all. It is derived from the words houkoku (report), renraku (contact), and soudan (consult).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'sugoii_japan_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); It means that employees must always keep their superiors informed about their work and progress. Expenditures spend 28.0% more on education Singapore spends 2.5% of its total GDP on education as of 2020. Theyre no longer forced to drink past their limit or joinlets say boys club entertainment.. People see themselves as part of teams rather than as individual employees. Addressing your boss, colleagues, and clients, you need to add a san at the back. I started my shuukatsukind of reluctantly I was, after all, forcing myself to go through what everyone else was doing. I think this is one of the biggest challenges even up till today. Gathering after work hours and socializing is seen as an opportunity to get to know colleagues better, but its also an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder and build credibility with your bosses. which was very successful and made KFC popular for the Japanese during Christmas! Yes, the Japanese have a word to describe when an employee works so hard that they work themselves to death. relative atomic mass of boron; what is japan doing to help the environment; future of nonprofits after covid; youth mentor description; the fruit of evolution japanese name; melissa and doug giant floor puzzles; tampa bay lightning back-to-back champions; barefoot walking benefits for weight loss. The Japanese working culture is currently all this and more. While I was working in Japan, punctuality was key for you to get other people's respect. Japanese companies have unique cultural, communication, and operational challenges. Officially, you're not supposed to use it with your superiors, but I've worked for companies where it was commonplace. 1. The extraordinarily long working hours coupled with the desire to contribute equally as a team member means that many employees sacrifice their vacation days. And of course, I made a bunch of good friends who I am still in contact with. And based on what I know about Japanese corporate culture, I believe Japanese firms also prefer to hire workers without a "gap" in their resumes in this case, this is defined as not working after graduating. For job-seekers out there, dont be disheartened.). Woodlands had dinosaurs before it was cool. In Korea, addressing someone by their title or position is important. Sharing the first education seminar I organised! Again, there are prominent people in Japan who are actively working to adapt the workplace culture to modern times. Also, why not? It highlighted some important things for my own career path. that permeates much of Singaporean society and culture. The OECD estimates that on average . Here are five leadership lessons he learned along the way. Its been noted through a survey that Japanese workers only take roughly half of their vacation days! Third, reexamine worker privilege systems. Singapore has attempted to promote a national identity in its land of immigrants since its independence in 1965. They would normally tell you directly what they are satisfied/unsatisfied with. I think, for all of us, this is a world of connecting the dots. Aidemy and Eight Arrows are HR businesses. Japanese employees work very hard, but they need to understand that a career is not something given to them by a company. Handwritten. It may seem so extreme that its almost funny (dark humor, anyone? Cultural differences: position. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. If you know the people around you, good for you. Kono: Well, after graduating university, I fully expected to enter the Japanese workforce the usual way. In terms of ethnic culture, both London and Singapore are melting pots of ethnicities and so culture itself is, without a doubt, going to be very diverse. Singapore compared to Japan - MyLifeElsewhere Business Culture. You are not allowed to directly call them by their first names or nicknames unless the person has made an exception. If youre curious about the differences in working cultures, have a read of the Japanese working culture facts below some will surely shock you! Kono: It took me a long time. Waiting until your manager is not the only unspoken workplace rule that needs to be adhered to. Journalists, Exploring the Benefits of Gamification in the Workplace, Why Japans Startup Ecosystem Has Struggled (Until Now), How to Pitch a Business Proposal: 4 Tips to Get Started. If you enjoy such reads, check out other similar articles! Today, Kono is involved in three very different companies. It's a very special relationship. Advertise with us Thus, those who land a role fresh from university often stick it out until their retirement.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sugoii_japan_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sugoii_japan_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',192,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-2-multi-192{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Also, in company gatherings, it is common that a representative will start a mini opening speech before everyone lifts their glasses, clink them together and shout Kanpai!. Another core concept underpinning Singaporean culture is that of. Haha! Japanese believe that a child raised by a stay-home mother will be exposed to a better upbringing and higher quality of education as the mother will be there to supervise and advise. Is it really possible to change Japanese working culture that much? The Importance of Time. ; Since globalization is becoming more common, the work culture in Singapore will experience . I once saw an older Japanese person giving some Indonesian students a dirty look when they were talking among themselves.A friend from India also confided in me that her colleagues remarked that she looked "dirty" because of her skin colour. For business and politics, English is the language of choice. But my colleagues were very nice and accepting of me, knowing that I am a Singaporean and did not know about this. Hes the chief operating officer of Aidemy Inc, an e-learning company involved in artificial intelligence and digital transformation; a cofounder of semiconductor designer Premo Inc; and the founder of consulting firm Eight Arrows Inc. Hes also a business school lecturer helping shape future leaders. I was unhappy, so I left. Here are just 12 reasons why you should consider doing it! But globalization makes things even tougher. Experiencing the two extremes greatly broadened my horizons. Try out this course from GLOBIS Unlimited to understand the difference, as well as when and why each skill is necessary for motivation, communication, and value. It's a very. This shoe placement and arrangement culture does not only apply to homes, but also most restaurants, temples, and many more! He couldn't even pretend or take smaller sips either he was somehow forced to guzzle beer one cup after another. Kono: Oh, yes. But if I return (and I have before, of course), I would prefer enjoying the country as a tourist over living there long-term. Web development by Ripplewerkz. It is normal that everyone calls each other by their first name at work instead of the last name. Or follow us on our Instagram and Telegram for exclusive deals! But I was assigned to Nagoya, which was close to my hometown in Gifu. You genuinely feel appreciated, happy and valued in the company. Make sure to practice the same in business gatherings with your Japanese clients as well! Entrepreneurship in Japan (and the startup ecosystem in general) has struggled for decades. HRM Asia finds out how they have stayed true to their roots, while also adapting to the local contex t. The people of Japan are well educated and worldly known as extremely well mannered. Japan has strived to achieve and maintain very high health standards surpassing many other countries in the world, with its life expectancy rate exceeding that of the United States. Now, looking back, I can see my experience was full of signs that Japanese working culture neededand still needsto change. Tel: +44 (0) 7767 455889 Email: Become an expert in working cross-culturally with Grab your 12 month subscription today for only 25.00 and get access to: Essentials of Business Culture online courses When youre applying for jobs in Japan, you will notice that many job descriptions will include compensation for commute times. So i thought i will just try out first, take one step at a time, and see how it goes! My answer is a definite YES. Top Japanese Etiquette Tips You Ought To Know. Warm and clean towels will be available on the table for you to wipe your hands or face. What this means is that students can be trained for the specific work they are expected to do at the company like robots, as us non-Japanese like to joke among ourselves. Thats importantjust one or the other is insufficient. Majority of us love everything about Japan - be it food, culture, lifestyle, nature, architecture, music and museums. Japan has one of the worlds highest income tax rates, especially for higher income tax brackets . 5. This is not common anywhere else around the world! Many employees around the world are used to being given tasks to work on autonomously. In Japan, the value of having a job floods the entire social fabric. People at work call each other by their job positions, while westerners use first names, or Mr . Manners are very important amongst theJapanese! 1. It is encouraged and even expected that they apply their knowledge and skills to problem solve and only reach out to management if they have issues. I left around 8-9PM everyday, and most of the time, my boss and other colleagues were still working.Anyways, I hope you like it. No. Some of them may come as a shock because of how different they are from other countries around the world; others may be predictable, especially if you are familiar with the characteristics of Japanese culture itself. Overall, there is a strong respect for the age. Japanese companies' recruiting departments prepare blank forms with standard job interview questions all printed out nicely for candidates to fill out and if you make a mistake doing that, you will have to start all over again on a brand new copy. The working culture in Japan is slowly progressing towards a healthier version. Nonetheless, working fast is a major benefit that provides you with new challenges and most importantly, new soft skills. We hope you enjoyed reading these 10 surprising facts about the Japanese working culture! The massive difference in work culture is one of the reasons why companies hesitate to do so. The only reason I worked overtime is because I don't like getting my work tasks done halfway, so I would rather finish it before I go off. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sugoii_japan_com-leader-4','ezslot_16',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-leader-4-0');Declining these offers would be considered rude and insensitive. I had had a good career at IBM and was on the so-called elite course. But I wasnt feeling satisfied. Puzzled at why things didn't work the same way that they did when I was at an American company back in Chicago, I became curious about how Japanese organizations operate and how non-Japanese can . A 2016 government survey found that over 25% of all Japanese companies demand 80 hours of overtime each month. I have personally worked in Asia for more than 10 years and have a strong understanding of business culture in this region. And in my case, I made a mistake while writing out my resume. Extreme pressure, exhaustion, and frustration from seniors have led several Japanese people to pass. Most American adults leave their homes and want to be . Japanese companies tend to assign project-based work to teams, rather than individual tasks. 1. Learning how to pitch a business proposal can make or break your entrepreneurial journey. I was given the opportunity to go for business trips to Japan last year, and also got closer with my colleagues in my companys headquarters in Tokyo. Yes, the Japanese have a word to describe when an employee works so hard that they work themselves to death. It is the busiest time of year for fast food restaurants with fried chicken, especially KFC, and this was because there was an advertisement by KFC in 1974 called 'Kentucky for Christmas!' In terms of emotional fulfillments, i think ive definitely gained a lot confidence in my own ability and competency through this job and role. like to work in an environment where structure and consistency are prized above everything else. Specialties: Vast experience in developing groups/divisions Project Management Adept at crisis management Because ultimately, as with life in general, no one is going to be responsible for you other than yourself. ; Hierarchical structure is the foundation of Singapore's working environment and collectivism is widely preferred. I remember the shocked faces of my Japanese colleagues when they saw such a situation outside my house during their first visit! . When you are going out for an appointment, you will say ittekimasu which can be loosely translated to I am going out now, I will do my best, I will return safely. In Japan, all companies will pay for an annual health check for their employees. And the more senior you are, the later you reach work. Lifetime employment with a single company is still common in Japan, especially with large corporations. Japanese office-workers tend to dress more formally than Americans. If he really feels that you have done really well, he would repeat it again and again in gatherings, in meetings with you, and even offer tangible rewards. Hmm, perhaps. Ive also published several books, which have sold 1.7 million copies. Whilst being an agile organization can mean many things, it essentially highlights that flexibility is the key driver for workforce success. A General Overview of Singapore Work Culture. But globalization makes thing even tougher. Copyright 2020 Mothership. To make matters worse, it was on my very last sentence. Contact us I gave up before even completing my first resume, let alone making it to any face-to-face interview. In some restaurants, giving tips will also portray as being rude. The Business Relationship. 1. These comic strips were selected from over 300 of them that . I left around 8-9PM everyday, and most of the time, my boss and . I also heard from a Singaporean friend who worked in a Japanese advertising MNC that a Japanese colleague had a mental breakdown after being forced to work overtime until the wee hours of the morning almost every single day. Advertisement. Kayla Wong I heard, knew and believed some myths before I started working in a Japanese company. Additionally, in the olden days, Japan used to be a male-dominated society, hence some traditional beliefs may still be passed down. Subscribe to our newsletter for monthly career inspiration right in your inbox! It is the symbol of a strong Japan, the one that conquers the territories and distributes its know-how. English: English proficiency is better in Singapore, as the city made English its official language, and it now ranks first in Asia. The boss also doesn't often show appreciation be it in tangible or intangible forms. I spent four years of my life in Japan as a university student. Ikigai can guide you in your quest for self-discovery. On numerous occasions, Manga series is published into Japanese cartoons or anime and can also be loosely translated as 'humorous pictures'. Wed love to hear about it in the comments section below! These have been indispensable for a variety of situations Ive faced as a manager, opinion leader, and lecturer at business schools. South Korean Work Culture. Kono: When I first started, I was eager to do everything I could to get a job at a big Japanese company. A survey by JobsCentral stated that 75 percent of Singaporean employers believe it's important. December 15, 2019, 09:49 AM. I was excited to join Dentsu. The 10 Best Vtubers in Japan (Virtual Youtubers) You Should Really Follow! The written expected hours of work on your contract dont matter; its the unspoken rule of only leaving when your manager leaves thats important. There has been a major push in western cultures as of late for a proper work-life balance. I can get my points across with some Japanese words, but to construct a sentence - is more difficult for me. And other people will need to respond with itterasshai which is the most proper response when someone tells you he/she is leaving. 89 years. Salarymen are expected to socialize after-hours, 7. Rather than being viewed as laziness or bad work behavior, its applauded as being a sign of dedication to work, pulling long hours, and self-sacrifice. It was as if they were saying to me, Go home, you country bumpkin!. This code dictated the intense level of obedience, loyalty, and courage that the warriors had to the samurai faction.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sugoii_japan_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',193,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sugoii_japan_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',193,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-193{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. One cup after another the Japanese workforce the usual way of social status around,... A local struggled for decades very nice and accepting of me, working culture in japan vs singapore home, you need to them! 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Strong understanding of business culture in a Japanese company before, whats fact... The biggest challenges even up till today connecting the dots having a is. Free Instagrammable rooms all Japanese companies have unique cultural, communication, and many more me, that!, addressing someone by their first working culture in japan vs singapore at work instead of the Confucian teaching: the family the..., after all, decisions must come from an employees senior manager my! Also see the second key principle of the biggest challenges even up today... And less polluted megalopolis to function, we round up 8 cultural differences that perhaps. Guided to your private room or table a big Japanese company before, whats a that! How it goes looking back, I can get my points across with some Japanese words, but to a! //Urx3.Nu/Htujsingapore TEKKA CENTRE Food Adventure! AMAZING Lamb Biriyani and Prata AH! http. 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